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What are the Most Common Dog Infections?


Dog infections are common in our canine friends and can affect puppies and dogs of any age, breed and size.

Some dog infections are benign and easily treated, while others can be painful and even lead to death if not attended to in time. There are many ways to prevent most dog infections and keep your dog healthy, and many treatments available if your pup does get one.

Learn about 8 Common Dog Infections and How to Avoid Them.

1. Bladder infections

sad dog with bladder infectionThis type of infection primarily affects female dogs, but is also found in males once in a while. If your dog feels the need to urinate frequently but can only get a few drops out at a time, if a housebroken dog urinates inside, if her urine smells foul or is mixed with blood, you should head to your vet’s office to test for a bladder infection. Bladder infections are easily treatable using antibiotics and symptoms associated with this dog infection usually subside pretty quickly. Bladder infections can often be prevented by changing your dog’s diet or giving him or her the right supplements. A common causes of this is a generally weakened immunity.

2. Ear infections

Especially common in dogs with droopy ears and dogs that aren’t properly groomed, ear infections are painful and can have a lasting effect on your dog’s ability to hear. Ear infections typically reveal themselves through foul smells, red and irritated ears and excessive wax. You may also notice your dog scratching or pawing at his or her ears excessively. This type of dog infection is easy to treat once diagnosed by your vet. You can avoid them by making sure that your dog’s ears are clean and that no excess wax is allowed to build in the ear canal. Also, itchy ears are a common symptom of food allergies. Food allergies are less frequently found in dogs than ear infections, so your dog’s symptoms are probably indicative of an ear infection. That said, it’s still worth investigating if a food allergy could be the source of the problem.

dog with ear infection

3. Parvovirus


This dog infection is most common in young pups under the age of 6 months. It is characterized by loss of appetite, severe diarrhea and vomiting, and is often fatal if not treated early. The first symptoms associated with this dog infection manifest only 5 to 7 days after exposure. The best way to prevent your pup from getting parvovirus is to immunize him or her against it early on. If you suspect a serious illness in your puppy – call a vet immediately.

4. Distemper

distemper in dogs

Distemper is an extremely serious dog infection that is fatal in 80% of puppies and 50% of adult dogs affected by it. Nasal discharge, vomiting, severe diarrhea, weight loss and congested lungs are all symptoms. If left untreated, distemper can move on to your dog’s nervous system and cause seizure and permanent paralysis. Unfortunately, by the time owners notice this dog infection’s symptoms, it is often too late to save the pup. This infection is highly contagious and the only way to prevent it is by getting your dog vaccinated.

5. Lyme disease

lyme disease

The dog infection symptoms associated with Lyme disease include limping, joint pain and the swelling of lymph nodes. This dog infection is transmitted through tick bites and while it is fairly common, it is also very serious. If left untreated, Lyme disease can lead to permanent nerve and joint damage. This dog infection can be treated using antibiotics. The best way to prevent Lyme disease is to treat your dog regularly with tick medicine. While this is especially important if your dog is exposed to the wild, even if your dog lives mainly in a city environment, it’s still important to guard against this type of infection.

6. Upper respiratory infections

breathing problems in dogsThis category covers a wide variety of different dog infections that affect the lungs, throat, sinuses and bronchial tubes. If left untreated, upper respiratory infections can lead to more severe ailments such as pneumonia, so it is important to look for the following dog infection symptoms: coughing, runny nose or eyes and inflammation of the trachea. Upper respiratory infections can usually be treated, but vaccination is the only way to prevent your pup from catching one.

7. Rabies

dog with rabiesRabies is one of the most serious dog infections. There are no treatments available; once the symptoms from this dog infection start to appear the condition is fatal. It is also highly contagious, and rabid dogs are a threat to humans. The infection makes them extremely aggressive, and rabid dogs can easily infect humans with a single bite. Vaccination is the only way to prevent rabies in dogs, and all dogs will require immunization against rabies every few years for the rest of their lives.

8. Eye infections

dogs and eye infections

Dogs are just as likely as we are to get eye infections such as conjunctivitis, dry eye and cataracts. Symptoms for dog eye infections are pretty easy to notice as they include discharge from the eyes, redness, crusty fur around the eyes and stained fur on the face (more easily noticeable on light colored dogs). Thankfully, there are many treatments available for most of these conditions. Keeping your dog’s face clean, especially around the eyes, and making sure that they don’t play with other dogs that have an eye infection are the best ways to prevent this dog infection in your pup.


Dog infections aren’t fun for anyone – not you, and not your pup. Prevention is always the best way to go, and most of these dog infections are preventable either through vaccination or tender loving care. You should always consult with your veterinarian when in doubt, because early intervention often makes a world of difference. Be on the lookout for these common dog infection symptoms in your dog and take action as necessary.

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