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Dog Skin Problems and How to Avoid Them


When your dog has skin problems it can be highly frustrating. Besides the usual itchiness, irritation and discomfort, skin problems can cause a myriad of other, more serious issues. These are often caused by sores and scratches that your dog may have sustained due to scratching and biting to try and relieve the itch in the first place. Common dog skin problems can be both curable or incurable, in the latter case the condition can often be managed once accurately identified by a veterinarian. Read below to learn about 10 common dog skin problems and how to avoid them.

1. Feed your dog a high quality, balanced diet

Certain fatty acids contained in high-quality dog foods (such as docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids) have a beneficial effect on your dog’s skin. They also have anti-inflammatory properties and help keep your dog’s immune system in good working order. Making sure your dog is getting the nutrients that he or she needs is a good way of keeping dog skin problems away. Look in the label of your dog food or dog treats for high quality named animal fats, and consider supplementing your dog food with a little bit of fish oil which can readily be found by searching online.

dogs waiting to be fed

2. Overweight dogs are prone to skin problems

Keeping your dog at his or her optimal weight isn’t only beneficial to his or her joints, heart and overall well-being. Fat cells release substances in your dog’s body that promote inflammation, which can be conducive to skin allergies and other skin conditions. If your dog isn’t overweight, there is little chance that the healthy fat cells in his or her body will have enough impact to harm his or her skin.

fat dog with skin problems

3. Choose soft, unscented shampoos

dog bathing

Not unlike humans, dogs can have a range of allergies and adverse reactions to strong perfumes and chemicals. Choosing a shampoo that contains no chemicals and no artificial perfumes can help ensure that your dog’s skin does not get irritated while bathing. Use gentle scrubs or even just your hands while shampooing your dog, and make sure that all of the soap is thoroughly rinsed out – residue could irritate your dog’s skin. This dog skin problem is quite easy to avoid.

4. Treat your dog for fleas and ticks

dog with fleasA common dog skin problem comes from fleas and ticks. Besides causing itchiness and skin irritation, parasites can cause hair loss in dogs. It is also important to note that some dogs are allergic to flea saliva and are in even more discomfort than those who are not. Treating your dog monthly for fleas and ticks is the best way to avoid skin irritation and sores caused by scratching and biting at their itching skin.

5. Brush your dog’s hair regularly

Tangled and matted hair, especially in breeds with long coats, is a very common cause of dog skin problems. When the hair tangles and twists to form a matted knot, the base of the hair is being pulled away from your dog’s skin, which can be very painful and irritating. This will in turn provoke your dog to scratch, which will make the problem worse. By keeping your canine companion well-groomed and tangle free, you can avoid some skin irritation. This is especially true for breeds that have longer, softer hair.

girl with dog

6. Be aware of allergens

Common dog skin problems are often caused by allergens, which can come from a variety of sources. If your dog is scratching, the first step is to give him or her a bath (being mindful of using soft and gentle skin products, see above), in case airborne or other allergens are causing the itching. If that fails, use your judgement to identify if it’s potentially a flea or food issue. And if your dog keeps scratching, you should consult with your veterinarian, noting anything unusual in your dog’s routine (new food, contact with another pet, etc.). Avoiding allergens is always a good way to prevent skin irritation, but sometimes medication is warranted.

dog with skin problems

7. Give your dog daily supplements and vitamins

In addition to a high-quality diet, it is a good idea to give your dog vitamins and supplements that are designed to keep his or her coat and skin healthy. These supplements are usually quite affordable and often make up for nutritional deficiencies that you may not even know your dog is suffering from. If you’re feeding your dog a diet of kibble predominantly, this is especially important because dry kibble is often devoid of certain nutrients, which can be lost during the heat-processing phase of kibble. Like with any problem, it’s always best to try and prevent dog skin problems rather than to have to treat them.

dog eating healthy

8. Watch out for cold weather and dry air

Dogs are affected by cold weather and dry air just as we humans are. In the colder months especially, when we heat our houses, the lack of moisture in the air can cause your dog’s skin to get dry and flaky.
The easy fix to this common dog skin problem is to get some humidifiers throughout your home and try to get your pup to keep the scratching to a minimum until his or her skin is healed. This will benefit the whole family actually.

dog with dry skin

9. Keep facial folds clean

Not all dogs have facial folds, but for breeds like pugs, mastiffs and Chinese shar-pei, the deep creases in their skin can lead to dirt and oily buildups, which can in turn be a skin irritant. Keeping your dog’s folds clean using a soft, wet towels and a soft shampoo as necessary is a great way to keep this dog skin problem at bay.

dog with folds

10. Do a little research for your breed

Certain breeds of dogs are more prone to certain skin problems than others. Hairless dogs especially are more at risk overall, but breeds like Siberian huskies and Alaskan malamutes are also more likely to suffer from a dog skin problem called
zinc-responsive dermatosis. It’s always a good idea to be ahead of the game and know what common dog skin problem may be affecting your pup. You can then consult your veterinary armed with knowledge that may help narrow the issue down.

dog with skin problems

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